Using digital devices a lot can affect your physical, mental health and can also disrupt daily activities. It's important to understand how too much screen time can impact us and find a good balance.


    • Overexposure to fast-paced digital media can contribute to restlessness and hyperactive behavior, particularly in children.


    • Posture Problems due to bad posture and sitting hunched over device for long causing back and neck pain.

    • Exposure to the blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and insomnia.


    • Excess screen time effects routines and affects wake-up time, sleep time, food time, personal hygiene etc., creating unhealthy/imbalanced life style practices


    • While digital devices enable connectivity, they can also lead to social isolation when virtual interactions replace face-to-face communication.

    • They can also impact interpersonal skills, reducing the quality of face-to-face interactions and potentially affecting relationships.


    • Excess social media exposure causes anxiety and depression among teens and young adults, due to the pressures of social comparison and the pursuit of online validation.

    • The pressure to be constantly connected and responsive, especially in work contexts, can lead to digital burnout, characterized by mental fatigue, decreased productivity, and emotional exhaustion.