Some quick tips to avoid weak password and frame strong password
Weak passwords, such as simple or commonly used phrases, are easily guessable and susceptible to hacking. This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access and significant security breaches.
- Aspects of that make a password weak
1. Common Phrases: Utilizes a common term ("Pets"), which could be easily guessed by attackers targeting a senior with known interests.
2. Lack of Complexity: The password only includes lowercase letters and numbers, lacking special characters or uppercase letters, making it vulnerable to automated cracking methods.
3. Predictability: Incorporates a predictable pattern ("1234"), commonly used by attackers, reducing the password's overall security.
4. Short Length: With only 7 characters, the password provides limited combinations, making it easier to guess through brute-force attacks.
Example: "Password123"
- Quick tips for strong password
o It should be at least 12 characters long.
o It should include a mix of uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z).
o It should also include numbers (0-9).
o It should also include symbols (!, @, #, $, %).
Example: "Tr@vel2024!Fun"