It’s important to recognize the signs of digital addiction or too much screen time so you can stay healthy and balanced.


    Constantly Checking Devices: Frequently looking at phones, tablets, or computers, often checking for notifications or updates.

    Neglecting Daily Responsibilities: Overlooking work, household chores, or personal tasks due to excessive screen use.

    Physical Discomfort: Experiencing symptoms such as eye strain, headaches, back pain, or poor posture from prolonged screen time.

    Emotional Dependency: Feeling anxious, stressed, or upset when unable to access digital devices or when offline.

    Social Isolation: Preferring digital communication over face-to-face interactions, leading to reduced in-person social engagement.

    Reduced Productivity: Decreased effectiveness or focus at work and in personal tasks due to frequent distractions from screens.

    Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or experiencing poor-quality sleep due to late-night screen use or blue light exposure.

    Difficulty Disconnecting: Struggling to take breaks from screens or feeling compelled to stay connected even during designated downtime.

    Increased Screen Time: Spending more time on screens than planned or necessary, often exceeding set limits.

    Neglecting Self-Care: Ignoring physical exercise, healthy eating, or relaxation activities in favor of continued screen use.

    If one notices any of the habits mentioned above, it is necessary to immediately take note of the same and address the same before it becomes an grave problem.