It’s important to recognize the signs of digital addiction or too much screen time so you can stay healthy and balanced.


      Always Wanting to Use Devices: You feel like you need to be on your tablet, phone, or computer all the time.

      Getting Upset When Told to Stop: You get angry or sad when someone tells you to put your device away.

      Skipping Other Activities: You don't want to play outside, read, or do crafts because you’d rather use a screen.

      Doing Poorly in School: Your grades are dropping because you spend more time on screens than studying.

      Feeling Tired and Sore: You have headaches, tired eyes, or a sore neck and back from looking at screens too much.

      Not Sleeping Well: You stay up late using devices and feel tired during the day.

      Ignoring Family and Friends: You don’t talk to your family or friends as much because you’re focused on your device.

      Sneaking Screen Time: You hide how much time you spend on devices or sneak them when you're not supposed to.

      Eating While Using Devices: You eat meals in front of a screen instead of at the table with your family.

      Not Doing Chores or Homework: You forget or avoid doing your chores or homework because you’re on your device.